Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. Each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.
20 testimonials contain the tag Depression.  They are sorted by name.
Click on a name or "Read more" to read the full story.
Click on any tag below to see a list of testimonials associated with that tag.

Ana from California - AIM participant since November 2008
Tags: Aliveness; Anxiety; Depression; Grateful for AIM; Hernia - hiatal; Hiatal hernia; Hypoglycemia; Metabolic system; Miracle; Sciatica; Spiritual light;
Ana describes before being on the AIM program her life was sad and senseless. Her body was deteriorating due to multiple diseases. After starting on AIM, her life changed and her body began to self-heal.
Anne from Florida - AIM participant since September 2000
Tags: Cancer; Depression; Energy; Food poisoning;
Anne describes how the AIM program gave her a boost of energy that changed her life.
Ester from United Kingdom - AIM participant since May 2011
Tags: Aliveness; Anger; Animals on AIM; Business; Depression; Detox, energetic; Dog; Emotional balance; Happiness; Lethargy; Pets; Relationship; Self-love; Sociability; Upset; Weight loss;
Ester describes how AIM helped her to emotionally self-heal and the changes seen in her dog.
Jane from California - AIM participant since September 2008
Tags: Allergies; Cold sores; Depression; Family; Family Plan; Heart, asymetrical; Natural Cures; Sanctuary; Weight loss;
Jane describes how her family used AIM to self-heal depression, allergies, and recover from surgery.
Janene from Australia - AIM participant since December 2003
Tags: Able to express love; Belief in self; Business; Clear thinking; Confidence, loss of; Consciousness; Depression; Feels better than ever; Fitness; Grateful for AIM; Overwhelmed; Proactive; Renewing AIM; Strength; Thinking clearly; Tiredness; Weight;
"Life was feeling like I was on a down hill slide...." Now Janene reports she is in control of her life, exercising reularly, has taken on new businesses and handles the pressures of work and family and is stronger and feels younger than she can ever remember.
Joey from Nevada - AIM participant since February 2006
Tags: Anger; Autism; Depression; Grateful for AIM;
16 yearr old Joey's symptoms of autism improve. He can carry on conversations instead of repeating words over and over. His anger is under control. This is AMAZING to me!!! Thank you!
Joy from Florida - AIM participant since September 2010
Tags: Anxiety; Brain fog; Breathing; Cancer (hereditary frequency); Clear thinking; Depression; Emotional clarity; Energy; Heart center; Lungs; Mental fog; Sadness; Spiritual fullfillment; Throat; Thyroid;
Joy describes how AIM has helped her to heal her anxiety and depression as well as giving her more energy and having an easier time breathing.
Karrol from Colorado - AIM participant since October 2005
Tags: Anxiety; Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD); Colds; Cyst; Depression; Detox, emotional; Emotional detox; Headaches; Immune system; Migraines; Schoolwork; Sinus infection; West Nile Virus;
At her one year anniversary on The AIM Program, Karrol reflects on her family's experiences and energetic transformations..
Kim from Nevada - AIM participant since April 2007
Tags: Back pain; Colds; Conscious healing; Depression; Doesn't get sick; Drug addiction; Emotional trauma; Family; Flu; Grateful for AIM; Meds; Neck pain; Pain; Rehab; Ritalin; Sanctuary;
After self-healing with the AIM Program, Kim's family is excelling, her depression has lifted and she reports that she no longer needs her meds. Kim's husband is a physician and he admits things are different on AIM.
Lora from Michigan - AIM participant since December 2009
Tags: Allergies; Colds; Depression; Detox, energetic; Grateful for AIM; Hormonal imbalance; Menopause; Miraculous; Respiratory; Sanctuary;
Lora describes how detoxing multiple frequencies on AIM helped her relieve herself of the severe allergies she suffered from, and also assisted her in weaning herself off of depression medication.
Marnie from California - AIM participant since June 2006
Tags: Depression; Gout; Neuropathy; Pain; Walking;
I have been using my intention to self-heal and have been on AIM one year today. I feel totally wonderful. As I look back I see my low grade depression gone.
MaryLynn from Arizona - AIM participant since March 2007
Tags: Calm; Clarity; Depression; Divorce; Energy; Happiness; Moving; Stress;
I started on The AIM Program of self healing in April of 2007. At the very same time I was downsizing to a house half the size, finalizing a divorce and moving to a new city.
Michelle from New Zealand - AIM participant since June 2010
Tags: Anxiety; Compassion; Depression; Digestion; Emotional trauma; Family; Fatigue; Grateful for AIM; Guilt; Insight; Intuition; Relationship; Shame;
Michelle describes how her relationship with her mother has improved, along with her mental health and physical health.
Sheila from Idaho - AIM participant since October 2004
Tags: Ability to swallow; Ataxia; Brain; Coordination; Depression; Emotionally open; Energy; Fear; Hope; Limited activity; Negativity; Neurological; Speech; Zest;
Ataxia is the result of a deterioration of the cerebellum, which in turn causes the loss of muscle coordination. Sheila shares how her self-healing via the AIM Program improved her ability to move and emotionally deal with her condition.
Shelly from Canada - AIM participant since June 2004
Tags: Depression; Despair; Driving; Energy; Happiness; Healthier; Intentions, sticking to; Stress; Travel; Working out;
My first few months on The AIM Program, I did not feel well, but that had been the case for a long time. At the same time, I felt as if something was happening to my sense of well being.
Susan from Pennsylvania - AIM participant since November 2006
Tags: Aches; Allergy to Titanium; Ankle; Brain fog; Depression; Energy; SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder); Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD); Spiritual healing; Viral condition, chronic;
What I experienced with Energetic Balancing of The AIM Program right from the start is simply amazing.
Tami from Nevada - AIM participant since December 2004
Tags: Depression; Meds; Never felt better; Peace;
Prior to beginning to self-heal with the Sacrament of Energetic Balancing through The AIM Program I had two prescriptions, one was for a sleep aid and the other was for depression.
Tonja V from Nevada - AIM participant since December 2004
Tags: 13 years on AIM; Anxiety; Career; Courage; Depression; Emotions; Energy; Exhaustion; Fatigue; Fear; Self-doubt; Weight loss; Worry;
On AIM for 13 years, Tonja has more energy than ever and is starting a new career.
Tonya from Utah - AIM participant since July 2007
Tags: Anger; Depression; Detox, energetic; Emotional healing; Harmony; Love;
Overcoming their skepticism about The AIM Program, a family releases their anger and depression to find peace and harmony.
Troy from Hawaii - AIM participant since November 2011
Tags: Able to communicate; Acne; Anger; Back; Confidence; Depression; Drinking; Emotional healing; Hate; Heart, afib; Immune system; Jealousy; Law of attraction; Love; Mental growth; Physical improvement; Seizures; Skin; Smoking; Spiritual growth; Suicidal; Wealth;
Troy tells how he used AIM to self-heal addiction and thoughts of suicide.

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