Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. Each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.
20 testimonials contain the tag Pain.  They are sorted by name.
Click on a name or "Read more" to read the full story.
Click on any tag below to see a list of testimonials associated with that tag.

Courtney from Utah - AIM participant since July 2005
Tags: Hip Pain; Menstrual cycle; Pain;
"Incredible things started happening in just two weeks."
Crestalee from Wisconsin - AIM participant since February 2012
Tags: Bad mood; Blood pressure; Cauda Equina Syndrome; Colds; Feet; High blood pressure; Hips; Hypertension; Knees; Miracle; Nerve damage; Numbness; Pain; Sanctuary; Triglycerides;
Crestalee describes how she used AIM to self-heal body pains that had progressively gotten worse.
Cynthia from Nevada - AIM participant since July 2005
Tags: Gall bladder attack; Gall stones; Nausea; Pain; Vomiting;
I am a 31 year old woman who had a baby a year ago. Two months after having my daughter I started having pain in my upper chest and back accompanied by nausea & vomiting. With this pain I could not lie down or sit comfortably.
Elizabeth from Utah - AIM participant since April 2004
Tags: Fatigue, muscle; Fibromyalgia; Joy; Miraculous; Muscle fatigue; Overuse Syndrome; Pain; Reflex sympathetic dystrophy; Strength; Thoracic outlet syndrome; Wheelchair;
Debilitating neurological conditions caused extreme muscle fatigue and pain. After self-healing via the AIM Program, Elizabeth is out of her wheelchair and back to work and play.
Gary from Tennessee - AIM participant since January 2005
Tags: Digestion; Eczema; Hepatitis B; Liver; Natural Cures; Pain; Sanctuary; Skin; Vision; Warts;
His doctor gives up on his chronic drug-resistant Hepatitis B which miraculously vanishes after going on The AIM Program. A lifelong digestive problem, eczema and chronic foot pain disappeared within weeks. Then a decades old wart went away and his vision improved so he no longer needs contacts.
Jason Hart from - AIM participant since July 2006
Tags: Back pain; Pain;
Jason Hart had suffered with chronic back pain for years. He shares his story of self-healing while on The AIM Program.
Jean from Spain - AIM participant since December 2008
Tags: Aging; Back pain; Energy; Headaches; Migraines; Pain; Well-being;
"For the first time in many years I feel really well all over!" Jean's energy levels are at an all-time high, her migraines have disappeared and an old horse-riding injury is improving.
Jeronimo Giusso from Buenos Aires - AIM participant since Oct 2021
Tags: Energy; Lost; Love; Pain; Pain, lumbar; Relief, amazing; Something missing; Stuck; Weight lifted; Youthfulness;
No longer stuck, no longer lost, weight lifted, pain gone, people say he looks younger and brighter.
Kim from Nevada - AIM participant since April 2007
Tags: Back pain; Colds; Conscious healing; Depression; Doesn't get sick; Drug addiction; Emotional trauma; Family; Flu; Grateful for AIM; Meds; Neck pain; Pain; Rehab; Ritalin; Sanctuary;
After self-healing with the AIM Program, Kim's family is excelling, her depression has lifted and she reports that she no longer needs her meds. Kim's husband is a physician and he admits things are different on AIM.
Larry from Connecticut - AIM participant since March 2006
Tags: Diabetes; Neuropathy; Pain; Sanctuary;
I was diagnosed with diabetes, and made aware that I had already suffered some severe nerve damage because of it. I followed the traditional treatment prescribed by my doctors.
Larry Webb from - AIM participant since March 2006
Tags: Diabetes; Neuropathy; Pain; Walking;
Larry Webb talks about healing himself of severe diabetic neuropathy while enrolled on The AIM Program.
Lea from Kansas - AIM participant since January 2005
Tags: Arthritis; Confidence; Happier; Pain;
Thanks to my self healing on AIM I am happier and more confident. I have suffered with arthritis for many years and now the pain appears to have left.
LeRoy from South Dakota - AIM participant since April 2002
Tags: Anger; Apathy; Avoidance behavior; Back pain; Conscious, becoming; Emotional healing; Pain; Relationship; Resentment; Self-responsibility; Spiritual becoming; Strength; Stress;
What You Don't Know May Hurt You. My name is LeRoy Weimer and I am a relatively new EMC² Facilitator although I have been on The AIM Program for well over four years.
Marnie from California - AIM participant since June 2006
Tags: Depression; Gout; Neuropathy; Pain; Walking;
I have been using my intention to self-heal and have been on AIM one year today. I feel totally wonderful. As I look back I see my low grade depression gone.
Meda from Virginia - AIM participant since December 2002
Tags: Allergies; Arthritis; Blood pressure; Diet; Dr. Wayne Dyer; Heart irregularities; High blood pressure; Hypertension; Kidney; Life back to normal; Pain; Rheumatoid arthritis; Vomiting; Wayne Dyer;
Meda's severe food allergies created immune system, kidney problems heart problems and more. Now: "I think it will not be too long before I can forget this whole chapter in my life." "I recommend energetic balancing to everybody."
Myra Williamson from - AIM participant since November 2005
Tags: Atrial fibrillation; Fibromyalgia; Heart, afib; Miracle; Pain;
Myra Williamson describes how she healed herself of many illnesses while on The AIM Program.
Roz B from Las Vegas - AIM participant since November 2003
Tags: Arthritis; Back pain; Career; Clarity; Dreams; Energy increase; Finances; Focus; Pain; Precognition; Promotions; Prosperity; Sanctuary; Walking; Weight loss;
Roz lists the many many ways AIM has improved her life
Sandie from California - AIM participant since December 2008
Tags: Aging; Empowerment; Headaches; Migraines; Miracle; Neck tension; Pain; Stress;
Sandie describes how The AIM Program has helped her maintain better control of her busy lifestyle, and how she no longer has migraines from stress.
Tamera from Montana - AIM participant since January 2011
Tags: Back pain; Colds; Confidence; Energy; Found my voice; Happier; Pain; Psoriasis; Self-assured; Well-being;
Tamera believes she used the AIM Program to self-heal her symptoms from psoriasis and "the back pain that had been a constant companion for decades has departed." In addition, her self-assurance and confidence are off the charts.
Tina F from Texas - AIM participant since October 2016
Tags: Corneal abrasion; Fibromyalgia; Focus; Pain; Present for life;
Tina is more focused and present and her corneal abrasions and their associated unrelenting pain went away

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