Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. Each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.
21 testimonials contain the tag Sanctuary.  They are sorted by name.
Click on a name or "Read more" to read the full story.
Click on any tag below to see a list of testimonials associated with that tag.

Arlene from Nevada - AIM participant since December 2004
Tags: Asthma; Sanctuary; Surgery, recovery after;
I was skeptical even though the book Sanctuary made perfect sense to me. After 7 months on AIM, my self-healing has progressed.
Bernard from Nevada - AIM participant since October 2010
Tags: Health; Multiple Sclerosis (MS); Sanctuary; Strength; Wellness, feeling of;
Bernard describes how AIM helped him overcome his MS symptoms. Six months after starting the AIM program he was able to stop seeing his chiropractor. Feeling an overall progression.
Brett from California - AIM participant since September 2006
Tags: Diabetes; Emotional healing; Miracle; Outlook on life; Sanctuary; Schoolwork;
My doctor told me to stop hoping for a miracle, that diabetes would never go away, but after a short time on AIM my blood sugars improved and my insulin intake has been cut in half.
Crestalee from Wisconsin - AIM participant since February 2012
Tags: Bad mood; Blood pressure; Cauda Equina Syndrome; Colds; Feet; High blood pressure; Hips; Hypertension; Knees; Miracle; Nerve damage; Numbness; Pain; Sanctuary; Triglycerides;
Crestalee describes how she used AIM to self-heal body pains that had progressively gotten worse.
Diana from Texas - AIM participant since November 2010
Tags: Diabetes; Digestion; Heart valves; Jaundice; Liver; Sanctuary;
Diana describes how AIM helped her to self-heal her leaky heart valves, diabetes, as well as her liver and digestive problems.
Doug from Nevada - AIM participant since February 2005
Tags: Macular Degeneration; Natural Cures; Sanctuary; Skeptical about AIM; Vision;
Doug's severe vision loss associated with macular degeneration improves for the first time in 25 years. " I was skeptical at first about the AIM Program but decided to try it. I'm glad I decided to participate."
Gary from Tennessee - AIM participant since January 2005
Tags: Digestion; Eczema; Hepatitis B; Liver; Natural Cures; Pain; Sanctuary; Skin; Vision; Warts;
His doctor gives up on his chronic drug-resistant Hepatitis B which miraculously vanishes after going on The AIM Program. A lifelong digestive problem, eczema and chronic foot pain disappeared within weeks. Then a decades old wart went away and his vision improved so he no longer needs contacts.
James from Florida - AIM participant since December 1998
Tags: Heart disease; Sanctuary;
The AIM Program has saved my life. That is a bold statement to say, but I truthfully feel that. I am an old timer when it comes to The AIM Program and came to know this program through my friend Evan Slawson.
Jane from California - AIM participant since September 2008
Tags: Allergies; Cold sores; Depression; Family; Family Plan; Heart, asymetrical; Natural Cures; Sanctuary; Weight loss;
Jane describes how her family used AIM to self-heal depression, allergies, and recover from surgery.
Jeff from California - AIM participant since July 2005
Tags: Cancer, lymphoma; Hair; Healthy; Intestines; Lymphoma; Sanctuary; T-cell Lymphoma;
Jeff reports that he was facing death from chemotherapy and cancer. After participating in the AIM Program his doctor told him that biopsies showed he was clear of cancer. "In May of this year I thought I had seen my last Spring and now I'm making plans for the future."
Joanne from Idaho - AIM participant since October 2001
Tags: Chronic illness; Detox, energetic; Dr. Wayne Dyer; Gratitude; Happiness; Lupus; Menopause; Sanctuary; Steroids (quit); Wayne Dyer; Well-being;
Joanne describes how being on AIM has been cost effective. She spend hundreds of dollars on doctors but nothing seemed to help. AIM Program was the tool she needed to self-heal.
Judy from Nevada - AIM participant since August 2003
Tags: Awareness; Emotional baggage; Eyes; Focus; Glaucoma; Gratitude; Love; Mental clarity; Mind chatter; Sanctuary; Self-responsibility; Vision;
"Sanctuary made me realize that I was the only one responsible for my well-being regardless of genes or anything else." Judy drops her emotional baggage, heals her galucoma. "Words are inadequate to describe how far I have come in awareness, in accepting and forgiving myself and others"
Kim from Nevada - AIM participant since April 2007
Tags: Back pain; Colds; Conscious healing; Depression; Doesn't get sick; Drug addiction; Emotional trauma; Family; Flu; Grateful for AIM; Meds; Neck pain; Pain; Rehab; Ritalin; Sanctuary;
After self-healing with the AIM Program, Kim's family is excelling, her depression has lifted and she reports that she no longer needs her meds. Kim's husband is a physician and he admits things are different on AIM.
Larry from Connecticut - AIM participant since March 2006
Tags: Diabetes; Neuropathy; Pain; Sanctuary;
I was diagnosed with diabetes, and made aware that I had already suffered some severe nerve damage because of it. I followed the traditional treatment prescribed by my doctors.
Lea from California - AIM participant since March 1999
Tags: Cloud lifted; Energizer bunny; Friendships; Hepatitis C; Mood, better; Sanctuary; Well-being;
I had not been feeling that great for quite some time, had tried many alternative modalities but nothing really worked long term. My intuition was telling me to take care of my liver so I had been careful with my diet for a number of years.
Lora from Michigan - AIM participant since December 2009
Tags: Allergies; Colds; Depression; Detox, energetic; Grateful for AIM; Hormonal imbalance; Menopause; Miraculous; Respiratory; Sanctuary;
Lora describes how detoxing multiple frequencies on AIM helped her relieve herself of the severe allergies she suffered from, and also assisted her in weaning herself off of depression medication.
Matt from Wisconsin - AIM participant since September 2006
Tags: Finances; Goals; In-vitro AIM; Marriage; Peace of mind; Sanctuary;
I went on The AIM Program in September of 2006 after reading Sanctuary. My wife went on one month later. Since she was two-months pregnant, we got two for the price of one.
Preston from California - AIM participant since August 2010
Tags: Autism; Consciousness; Eczema; Quality of life; Sanctuary;
Preston's parents describe how their son has made improvements with his autism, and how they have used AIM to self-heal.
Roz B from Las Vegas - AIM participant since November 2003
Tags: Arthritis; Back pain; Career; Clarity; Dreams; Energy increase; Finances; Focus; Pain; Precognition; Promotions; Prosperity; Sanctuary; Walking; Weight loss;
Roz lists the many many ways AIM has improved her life
Shima from California - AIM participant since November 1999
Tags: Cancer; Carcinoma, Stage IV (4); Empowerment; Enthusiasm for life; Fear; Happier; Healthier; Life force; Relationship; Sanctuary; Self-conscious;
I have been an advocate of alternative health and healing since the late '60s. My mother died of lung cancer in 1971 when she was only 48-years old. Earlier she had lost a breast to cancer and never recovered emotionally from it.
Suzanne from New York - AIM participant since March 2005
Tags: Allergies; Diabetes; Dog; Pets; Quality of life; Sanctuary;
Nearly two years ago, my wonderful daughter sent me the book Sanctuary and asked only that I read it. I couldn't put it down!

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