Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. Each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.
12 testimonials contain the tag Detox, energetic.  They are sorted by name.
Click on a name or "Read more" to read the full story.
Click on any tag below to see a list of testimonials associated with that tag.

Charles from Texas - AIM participant since October 2005
Tags: Alzheimer's Disease; Blood pressure; Detox, energetic; High blood pressure; Hypertension;
I have always been a normally healthy individual but I have been on medication for high blood pressure and enlarged heart since 1994.
Desiree from Alabama - AIM participant since June 2002
Tags: Autism; Detox, energetic;
Desireé's grandmother describes how Desireé used the balancing energyies on the AIM Program to live her life free of autism.
Ester from United Kingdom - AIM participant since May 2011
Tags: Aliveness; Anger; Animals on AIM; Business; Depression; Detox, energetic; Dog; Emotional balance; Happiness; Lethargy; Pets; Relationship; Self-love; Sociability; Upset; Weight loss;
Ester describes how AIM helped her to emotionally self-heal and the changes seen in her dog.
Joanne from Idaho - AIM participant since October 2001
Tags: Chronic illness; Detox, energetic; Dr. Wayne Dyer; Gratitude; Happiness; Lupus; Menopause; Sanctuary; Steroids (quit); Wayne Dyer; Well-being;
Joanne describes how being on AIM has been cost effective. She spend hundreds of dollars on doctors but nothing seemed to help. AIM Program was the tool she needed to self-heal.
Karen from Hawaii - AIM participant since January 2004
Tags: Back; Breast cancer; Cancer, breast; Colds; Detox, energetic; Flu; Heart beat irregular; Immune system; Memory; Mental growth; Physical improvement; Seizures; Spiritual growth; Spirtual support; Zest;
"My energy levels started picking up... no more colds/flu." Karen tells us that she has seen "tremendous growth spiritually, mentally and physically." And after becoming an EMC² Facilitator, she sees marvelous results in others.
Lora from Michigan - AIM participant since December 2009
Tags: Allergies; Colds; Depression; Detox, energetic; Grateful for AIM; Hormonal imbalance; Menopause; Miraculous; Respiratory; Sanctuary;
Lora describes how detoxing multiple frequencies on AIM helped her relieve herself of the severe allergies she suffered from, and also assisted her in weaning herself off of depression medication.
Marnie from California - AIM participant since June 2006
Tags: Detox, energetic; Grateful for AIM; Stomach surgery; Surgery, recovery after; Zest;
After undergoing a major stomach surgery, Marnie describes how utilizing the enhancing frequencies of AIM helped her recovery rapidly.
MH from Nevada - AIM participant since January 2003
Tags: Abundance; Detox, energetic; Relationship; Trust;
Woman finds that the healing energies in The AIM Program help her heal relationship issues that have kept her from experiencing meaningful relationships and abundance. Life is Good!
Rebecca from Virginia - AIM participant since August 2007
Tags: Cerebral Palsy; Confidence; Detox, energetic; Walking;
23 year old born with cerebral palsy was able to walk with a leg brace two months after beginning participation in The AIM Program of Energetic Balancing and continues to make further progress.
Robert from California - AIM participant since January 2009
Tags: Alcoholism; Calm; Detox, energetic; Drinking; Emotional Issues; Energy; Heartache; Smoking; Temper;
After drinking and smoking for almost 40 years Robert no longer has the uncontrollable urge to do so since joining The AIM Program. "The AIM Program has given me an opportunity for me to get my life back."
Tonya from Utah - AIM participant since July 2007
Tags: Anger; Depression; Detox, energetic; Emotional healing; Harmony; Love;
Overcoming their skepticism about The AIM Program, a family releases their anger and depression to find peace and harmony.
Vicki from Nevada - AIM participant since February 2005
Tags: Business on AIM; Detox, energetic; Energy; Intuition; Refreshed; Success; Well-being;
What I notice most since participating in the Sacrament of Energetic Balancing through The AIM Program is an increased sense of well being and a greater sensitivity to everything.

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