Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. Each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.
8 testimonials contain the tag Anger.  They are sorted by name.
Click on a name or "Read more" to read the full story.
Click on any tag below to see a list of testimonials associated with that tag.

Dianne from Utah - AIM participant since May 2008
Tags: Anger; Blood pressure; Emotional well-being; Family; Family Plan; Fear; Gratitude; Hair loss; Handicap, improvement of; High blood pressure; Hypertension; Joy; Mental well-being; Miraculous; Peace; Rage; Rebelliousness; Stress; Worry;
Due to stress Dianne's blood pressure was so elevated she was a high risk for a stroke or heart attack. Dianne shares the success stories of her and her family's self-healing on the AIM Program.
Ester from United Kingdom - AIM participant since May 2011
Tags: Aliveness; Anger; Animals on AIM; Business; Depression; Detox, energetic; Dog; Emotional balance; Happiness; Lethargy; Pets; Relationship; Self-love; Sociability; Upset; Weight loss;
Ester describes how AIM helped her to emotionally self-heal and the changes seen in her dog.
Joey from Nevada - AIM participant since February 2006
Tags: Anger; Autism; Depression; Grateful for AIM;
16 yearr old Joey's symptoms of autism improve. He can carry on conversations instead of repeating words over and over. His anger is under control. This is AMAZING to me!!! Thank you!
LeRoy from South Dakota - AIM participant since April 2002
Tags: Anger; Apathy; Avoidance behavior; Back pain; Conscious, becoming; Emotional healing; Pain; Relationship; Resentment; Self-responsibility; Spiritual becoming; Strength; Stress;
What You Don't Know May Hurt You. My name is LeRoy Weimer and I am a relatively new EMC² Facilitator although I have been on The AIM Program for well over four years.
Priscilla R from California - AIM participant since November 2013
Tags: Anger; Chemical sensitivity; Eating problem; Eczema; Emotionally conflicted; Energy increase; Feeling unworthy; Frustrated; Judgmental to self and others; Multiple chemical sensitivity; Rigid; Sadness; Skeptical; Spiritual improvement; Spiritually conflicted; Stomach issues;
After a lifetime of emotional, spiritual and physical wellness struggles, Priscilla feels better now than she ever has before.
Shamim from England - AIM participant since August 2003
Tags: Anger; Cancer; Emotional baggage; Emotional healing; Family; Family healing; Found my voice; Free of outside influence; Life force; Medical doctor (MD); Relationship with parents; Self-healing; True to self;
Shamim used AIM to self-heal unresolved emotional baggage within her family. As an MD, she recommends the AIM Program to her patients.
Tonya from Utah - AIM participant since July 2007
Tags: Anger; Depression; Detox, energetic; Emotional healing; Harmony; Love;
Overcoming their skepticism about The AIM Program, a family releases their anger and depression to find peace and harmony.
Troy from Hawaii - AIM participant since November 2011
Tags: Able to communicate; Acne; Anger; Back; Confidence; Depression; Drinking; Emotional healing; Hate; Heart, afib; Immune system; Jealousy; Law of attraction; Love; Mental growth; Physical improvement; Seizures; Skin; Smoking; Spiritual growth; Suicidal; Wealth;
Troy tells how he used AIM to self-heal addiction and thoughts of suicide.

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