Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. Each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.
27 testimonials contain the tag Energy.  They are sorted by name.
Click on a name or "Read more" to read the full story.
Click on any tag below to see a list of testimonials associated with that tag.

Andre LaFreniere from Quebec - AIM participant since Aug 2021
Tags: Acidity; Blood pressure; Bloodshot eyes; Burping; Digestion; Dizziness; Energy; Eyes, bloodshot; Glaucoma; Headaches; High blood pressure; Hypertension; Stomach acidity; Transformation; Walking difficulty; Zero energy;
Andre had so many things wrong, like high blood pressure, glaucoma, zero energy, etc, but his transformation was amazing.
Angel from New Mexico - AIM participant since November 2002
Tags: Animals on AIM; Cataracts; Dog; Energy; Eyesight; Optimism; Pets; Skin;
Although I had researched energy medicine for years, I was skeptical of The AIM Program and decided to put it to the test.
Anne from Florida - AIM participant since September 2000
Tags: Cancer; Depression; Energy; Food poisoning;
Anne describes how the AIM program gave her a boost of energy that changed her life.
Catie from Australia - AIM participant since March 2004
Tags: Allergies; Down Syndrome; Energy; Well-being;
Catie is on a Down Syndrome Scholarship for AIM. Her range and complexity of the words she uses has increased markedly and she continues to have a strong interest in reading and understanding language.
Cheri from California - AIM participant since September 2004
Tags: Anemia; Bronchitis, chronic; Energy; Healthier; Transformation;
I turned 70 in March, and I have not felt this good for many years. I attribute my self-healing to AIM. About 4 months into The AIM Program for the Sacrament of Energetic Balancing.
Colleen from Florida - AIM participant since March 2002
Tags: Attracting good; Drama, no more; Emotions; Energy; Eyesight; Gratitude; Happiness; Self-healing; Vision;
Last week I went for my yearly eye exam. The eye doctor was amazed at my new prescription. He said, "This is the second year that your eyes have improved and that is very rare."
Denise from Nevada - AIM participant since June 2005
Tags: Energy; Gratitude; Happiness; Relationship; Self-confidence; Severe Depression; Sleep; Tiredness;
Denise has more energy, more self-confidence; she is happier and after only wanting to be alone, she is now engaged. "Everything is more than OK now, its great!"
Helen from Florida - AIM participant since November 2013
Tags: Appetite; Diet; Energy; Joy; Meditation; Metabolism; Weight loss; Well-being;
Helen used AIM to increase her energy as well as boost her metabolism. She says her eating habits have improved and that AIM, for her, is more consistent and more effective than meditation.
Helen from Kentucky - AIM participant since January 2004
Tags: Bolder; Braver; Connectedness; Emotion, releasing negative; Energy; Feeling better about things; Love; Negative emotion, releasing; Rash; Self-responsibility; Skin; Skin rash;
Since participating in the self-healing Program of AIM I am feeling so much better about things. I am taking responsibility for my own choices/creations.
Janice from Florida - AIM participant since January 2008
Tags: Aging; Animals on AIM; Cat; Dog; Energy; Feline AIDS; Pet aging; Pet energy; Pets;
Janice describes how both her dog and cat used AIM to self-heal.
Jean from Spain - AIM participant since December 2008
Tags: Aging; Back pain; Energy; Headaches; Migraines; Pain; Well-being;
"For the first time in many years I feel really well all over!" Jean's energy levels are at an all-time high, her migraines have disappeared and an old horse-riding injury is improving.
Jeronimo Giusso from Buenos Aires - AIM participant since Oct 2021
Tags: Energy; Lost; Love; Pain; Pain, lumbar; Relief, amazing; Something missing; Stuck; Weight lifted; Youthfulness;
No longer stuck, no longer lost, weight lifted, pain gone, people say he looks younger and brighter.
Joice & David from Idaho - AIM participant since December 2002
Tags: Energy; Gratitude; Miracle; Peace; Reassurance; West Nile Virus;
After a very severe case of West Nile Virus doctors said David would never be able to work again, but after self-healing with the AIM Program he is feeling better and is back to work.
Joy from Florida - AIM participant since September 2010
Tags: Anxiety; Brain fog; Breathing; Cancer (hereditary frequency); Clear thinking; Depression; Emotional clarity; Energy; Heart center; Lungs; Mental fog; Sadness; Spiritual fullfillment; Throat; Thyroid;
Joy describes how AIM has helped her to heal her anxiety and depression as well as giving her more energy and having an easier time breathing.
Karen from California - AIM participant since February 2005
Tags: Breast cancer; Cancer, breast; Energy; Fear; Focus; Healing fast; Mental focus; Strength, emotional; Strength, mental; Strength, physical;
Since being on The AIM Program, I am astounded at the increase in my energy; mental focus and how incredibly fast I heal from everyday minor bumps, scrapes and cuts.
Kate from New Mexico - AIM participant since March 2000
Tags: Allergies; Allergies, environmental; Allergies, food; Clarity; Energy; Focus; Food; Health, physical; Joy; Physical health; Resistance is futile;
The AIM Program popped into my life 24 hours after I woke up yet one more morning unable to breathe clearly and screamed, not silently but quite loudly, that I was sick of having my life so compromised and wanted something to come to me that would HANDLE THESE THINGS once and for all.
Marjorie from Texas - AIM participant since June 2004
Tags: Allergies; Energy; Fatigue; Serious illness (unspecified);
In the spring of 2004 we learned that Stephen Lewis was to come to The Church of Religious Science we attended in Austin, Texas. My husband, who was experiencing a serious illness, read Sanctuary in the week prior to the presentation.
MaryLynn from Arizona - AIM participant since March 2007
Tags: Calm; Clarity; Depression; Divorce; Energy; Happiness; Moving; Stress;
I started on The AIM Program of self healing in April of 2007. At the very same time I was downsizing to a house half the size, finalizing a divorce and moving to a new city.
Matt from Indiana - AIM participant since January 2004
Tags: Awareness; Clear thinking; Colds; Creative ability; Energy; Healthier; Schoolwork; Shoulder Injury; Stronger; Surgery, healing without; Thinking ability;
"...healthier, stronger... have more energy than ever" "In the last year, I have not been sick once..." "I wake up most days rested, energized, and excited about the day..." I have been able to easily quit drinking alcohol..." And much more.
Maya from Oregon - AIM participant since August 2006
Tags: Energy; Right livelihood found;
After seven months on AIM, my life is finally the life I have longed for. I have found my 'right livelihood', the next steps of my spiritual path.
Robert from California - AIM participant since January 2009
Tags: Alcoholism; Calm; Detox, energetic; Drinking; Emotional Issues; Energy; Heartache; Smoking; Temper;
After drinking and smoking for almost 40 years Robert no longer has the uncontrollable urge to do so since joining The AIM Program. "The AIM Program has given me an opportunity for me to get my life back."
Sheila from Idaho - AIM participant since October 2004
Tags: Ability to swallow; Ataxia; Brain; Coordination; Depression; Emotionally open; Energy; Fear; Hope; Limited activity; Negativity; Neurological; Speech; Zest;
Ataxia is the result of a deterioration of the cerebellum, which in turn causes the loss of muscle coordination. Sheila shares how her self-healing via the AIM Program improved her ability to move and emotionally deal with her condition.
Shelly from Canada - AIM participant since June 2004
Tags: Depression; Despair; Driving; Energy; Happiness; Healthier; Intentions, sticking to; Stress; Travel; Working out;
My first few months on The AIM Program, I did not feel well, but that had been the case for a long time. At the same time, I felt as if something was happening to my sense of well being.
Susan from Pennsylvania - AIM participant since November 2006
Tags: Aches; Allergy to Titanium; Ankle; Brain fog; Depression; Energy; SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder); Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD); Spiritual healing; Viral condition, chronic;
What I experienced with Energetic Balancing of The AIM Program right from the start is simply amazing.
Tamera from Montana - AIM participant since January 2011
Tags: Back pain; Colds; Confidence; Energy; Found my voice; Happier; Pain; Psoriasis; Self-assured; Well-being;
Tamera believes she used the AIM Program to self-heal her symptoms from psoriasis and "the back pain that had been a constant companion for decades has departed." In addition, her self-assurance and confidence are off the charts.
Tonja V from Nevada - AIM participant since December 2004
Tags: 13 years on AIM; Anxiety; Career; Courage; Depression; Emotions; Energy; Exhaustion; Fatigue; Fear; Self-doubt; Weight loss; Worry;
On AIM for 13 years, Tonja has more energy than ever and is starting a new career.
Vicki from Nevada - AIM participant since February 2005
Tags: Business on AIM; Detox, energetic; Energy; Intuition; Refreshed; Success; Well-being;
What I notice most since participating in the Sacrament of Energetic Balancing through The AIM Program is an increased sense of well being and a greater sensitivity to everything.

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