Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat or cure disease. Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. And each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.

You found this testimonial under the tag Autism
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Richard from Kentucky - AIM participant since February 2008
Testimonial provided December 2008

Lifelong autistic person, now an adult, goes on AIM and begins making eye contact, doing laundry and cooking his own meals. He has also started socializing, has moved into his own apartment for the first time and continues to gain more independence.
Tags: Autism;

My heartfelt thanks goes out to EMC² and those who work and support The AIM Program.

I am a parent caring for someone with autism, Richard Bartholomew. Now sixty, Richard was forty-nine when he came to live with me and my family (my husband and three children). He had no family and his previous guardian was a friend of mine who had passed away. When he first came to live with us he spent his time in his bedroom, banging the back of his head against the wall, all day, everyday. He was low functioning, even though he did some things for himself.

After two years of living with our family it was just too difficult for me to be a mom to three young children and an adult with special needs. We began sharing care with a group home, with Richard at the group home three days a week and the other four at our home.

We worked with a job coach and at age fifty-one he got his first job. His current job has lasted for the past nine years. He works in a commercial laundry that services local hotels and is the best towel folder and very proud of his work.

During the last two years we used several methodologies to help Richard develop to a greater functioning level. We used liquid zeolites as a nutritional medicine and for heavy metals detoxification; FermPlus, a vegetarian based probiotic, for a vibrant microflora in the digestive tract; Hemi-Sync, a process developed at the Monroe Institute and available on audio CD's, which creates audio patterns for relaxation and sleep induction, learning and memory aids. We also employed The AIM Program through the Energetic Matrix Church of Consciousness, LLC, ("EMC²").

The AIM Program provides a wide array of frequencies for self-healing through energetic balancing. Energetic Balancing is a sacramental practice for the removal of energetic imbalances from a person's energetic matrix. Energetic Balancing proceeds from the belief that the Energetic Matrix is the underlying form of everything we are, akin perhaps to the soul or spirit. The body itself forms around the Energetic Matrix. Imbalances in the Energetic Matrix prevent the "real" you from achieving your maximum potential. Formerly the subtle energy frequencies for self-healing by an individual were determined individually. The AIM Program has overcome the technological and metaphysical limitations in delivering balancing energies.

With all we have done, including The AIM Program, Richard's self-healing has been dramatic. He immediately began to make eye contact and soon was capable of doing laundry and cooking his own meals. He has begun to socialize by asking me and others how we are feeling, something he has never done before. At the age of sixty he has moved into his own apartment (March, 2008). He has never lived alone. He straightens his apartment, takes great pride in his accomplishments, and walks all over the community shopping and making friends. He rides the bus to work a few days a week, and just continues to gain more and more independence. He seems to be becoming calmer with each passing week .

The AIM Program is free for autistic people.

Blessings to all.

Victoria Smith

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