AIM Glossary
Acquired imbalance
Anti-aging frequencies
Biological age
Energetic uncertainty
Enhancing frequencies
Hereditary imbalance
Karmic imbalances
Known/unknown imbalance
Life Force
Long enough
Special recheck
Systemic parasite imbalances
The Trays & Virtual Tray Tour
Acquired imbalance - an energetic imbalance that is acquired in this
lifetime, in the same ways that diseases can be acquired, i.e. coming into
contact with a person who already has the imbalance, being bitten by
an insect, consuming contaminated food or water, breathing in airborne
imbalances and so on, versus a hereditary or karmic imbalance.
Active - refers to the state of an imbalance, something currently fully
expressed. Energetic imbalances acquired in this lifetime are always active.
Hereditary imbalances may be in a state of potential, or may change their
energy level and become active. You are usually aware of active imbalances,
because they manifest as some level of discomfort or distress. See the article
States of Imbalance.
AIM - "all inclusive method", where over 500,000 balancing energies are made
available to you, 24/7, to help you self-heal your energetic imbalances.
You select whatever frequencies you need, as you need them, to remove your imbalances, bypassing the rest. Versus the pre-AIM/private practice days, when individual energetic evaluations were necessary and remedy drops were taken,
based on which imbalances were found at the time.
Anti-aging frequencies - refers to specific frequencies to help you re-vitalize
and retard the aging process. Also, balancing energies that help you heal
imbalances with the potential for manifesting as conditions commonly
associated with aging, such as dementia, arthritis, hearing or vision loss,
etc. Some of the targeted anti-aging frequencies are: T cell frequencies,
frequencies to assist regeneration, increase stamina & vitality, increase
respiratory capacity, help with keratosis (aging skin on neck) and frequencies
related to sexual function, to name a few.
Biological age - age at which the body is functioning based on the abundance
of and significance of active hereditary imbalances present in consciousness; for
AIM participants, sometimes referred to as one's ideal biological age. As of late
2011, those on AIM with Life Forces of 100 have a biological age of 21-23, versus
95+ for those just starting on AIM, regardless of chronological age.

Biological age of those on AIM long enough to have a Life Force of 100 had
consistently been at 29-30, from pre-AIM days until December 2009. At that
time a key prevalent imbalance was revealed and added to AIM, and it then
dropped for the first time ever, to 26. Several frequency additions since then
have resulted in further declines in biological age for AIM participants.
Cleared - a term often used by EMC² to signify someone has removed an
energetic imbalance from their consciousness and it no longer shows
as present in them. Physical and emotional clearing or healing may occur
some time after the removal of an imbalance from one's consciousness.
Consciousness - Stephen Lewis defines this as the degree to which you perceive
your connection to everyone and everything, without exception. The purpose of
AIM is to raise the Life Force of living beings, allowing them a greater ability to
increase their consciousness, if that is their choice. We often refer to the work
of David Hawkins, author of "Power vs Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior" and his consciousness level scale therein. Consciousness is not the
same thing as Life Force; you raise Life Force by removing hereditary
imbalances from consciousness, and you raise consciousness by your intention
to do so. You can have a high level of consciousness and a low Life Force as
you begin on AIM, or you can eventually achieve a high Life Force with the help
of AIM, yet still have a low consciousness level. EMC² believes imbalances that
are present may block the flow of Life Force, and therefore impact one's ability
to raise consciousness. Consciousness levels are NOT checked for any AIM participants, although Stephen may at times check his own, or that of someone
he knows. He does this simply to see if there is any correlation, in the healing
of certain imbalances and one's ability to then further raise one's level of
Detox - the process of self-healing imbalances, or removing them from
consciousness. Hidden things are brought to the surface and may be felt,
depending on all the variables that make each person unique, and hence make
their healing process and experience unique. We may feel things physically
and/or emotionally. We may also heal many things with no apparent awareness
of that healing, other than a cumulative effect of a rising Life Force, greater
healing capacity and sense of well-being.

There is no way of knowing what your experience will be. Ultimately, the rate
and extent of all healing is dependent upon the individual. All AIM is doing is compelling you to heal yourself, 24/7, by not giving you a break from selecting whatever balancing energies you need until you remove all of your imbalances.
Your higher consciousness is in charge, so there is nothing you can do physically
to speed up the process, nor will you overload yourself by taking on too
much. The updates on new frequencies revealed and added to AIM, are provided simply to keep you informed: You may or may not have any of the imbalances
and if you do, what, if anything, you may feel as you heal them, may be similar
to the descriptions EMC² provides, or may be unique to you.
EMC² - Energetic Matrix Church of Consciousness, LLC, aka EMC "squared",
a for profit church of consciousness. EMC² believes you cannot separate consciousness, healing and spirituality, and that healing is highly spiritual.
People of all religions utilize AIM.
Energetic uncertainty - "EU", termed as "Eligibility Evaluation"
pre-AIM (and in Sanctuary): Previously, if there was concern that
an applicant might not have the inner capacity to raise Life Force and heal
their imbalances, they were said to be "ineligible" for Energetic Balancing.
That is no longer the case, but the EU check is still performed for all applicants.
EMC² believes anything can be healed, but when we are not absolutely certain
that a participant will be able to heal himself of all energetic imbalances,
using the spiritual technology of the AIM Program, we feel ethically compelled
to reveal that information. This is what is referred to in the EU Waiver box on
page 4 of the AIM Application.

The most important message that should be conveyed is that, in our
experience, most participants who have the frequency of Energetic Uncertainty
have succeeded in healing themselves and no longer show the EU frequency.
The exception to this is when the EU is due to the presence of a systemic
parasite imbalance, or to the frequency of heavy metal toxicity, both of which
are acquired imbalances. However, this does not mean that the applicant or
participant cannot heal every other imbalance they have that is a part of AIM.
It is simply disclosing, that AIM does not appear to have balancing energies to
assist in the removal of these two types of imbalances. It also
does not mean that the participant cannot heal either of them, although the
healing of a parasite imbalance is not yet a common occurrence. Lastly,
although the presence of either of these two types of imbalances in no way
blocks one's ability to heal all other imbalances, they appear to do so at a
slower rate than those without such an imbalance, when there is a negative
impact on Life Force. See also "Is there anything AIM cannot help me heal?" ––
section III in the Q & A.
Enhancing frequencies - a unique category of frequencies that can assist
you in further enhancing your life: Frequencies such as perpetual gratitude, unconditional love, courage, creativity, self-acceptance and hundreds more.
Also positive frequencies to help you elevate your consciousness if you so
choose. Your intention to grow and feel connected, i.e. to raise consciousness,
plays a part in your utilization of these frequencies. This is in contrast to
hereditary frequencies and man-made frequencies, the balancing energies
for which participants automatically choose as a matter of basic instinct or
survival. Some choose these frequencies to a greater extent than others,
who may not tap in to them at all. Generally, once a participant has been on
AIM long enough to self-heal all hereditary imbalances, they may experience
an even greater ability to fully utilize these balancing energies.
Focus - a term used to describe the fact that you don't get a break on AIM.
You, via your higher consciousness, are constantly selecting whatever
balancing energies you need to help you remove energetic imbalances,
and you select them until the imbalance is removed from your consciousness.
In your first year on AIM, this is pretty much non-stop. Your higher
consciousness is focused on healing each imbalance, in whatever order you
need to heal them.
Frequency - everything is energy, and hence, everything has a frequency.
Those frequencies that are not in harmony with your natural state of well-being
or that seek to destroy that natural state, are referred to as imbalances.
They can be identified in consciousness, and removed more quickly by you,
when you utilize AIM and the corresponding balancing frequencies available,
to assist you in removing them. Frequencies can be karmic, hereditary or
Heal/self-healing – to heal means to become whole. Healing is in contrast to attempting to treat or cure disease, as it refers to removing the cause of the
physically manifested disease or issue, or the potentials for it. EMC² uses the
term "self-healing" to describe AIM as only you can heal you. However, AIM
can help you achieve healing far beyond the level that you could, or would
achieve your own.
Hereditary imbalance - a predisposition for energetic imbalance, inherited
from your parents – or something they inherited or acquired that was not
healed during their lifetime and was passed on to you: This encompasses
unresolved etiologic emotional imbalances and ultimately karmic imbalances,
all of which are addressed as you use AIM to self-heal. EMC² believes
imbalances in consciousness are precursors, or potentials, for negative
physical manifestation: They represent inherent weaknesses onto which
any and every imbalance subsequently acquired (or inherited by your
offspring if not healed by you) will layer. Hereditary imbalances are the
template for your personal energetic disaster.

Stephen often quotes Louis Pasteur, who came to believe, "It's not the seed,
it's the soil." If you have no inherent weaknesses, i.e., hereditary imbalances,
then what you are exposed to and acquire, excluding a bullet or lethal dose of
something, will have little impact on you. Versus being the "last straw" for
someone with active hereditary imbalances due to the presence of the
frequency of immune deficiency, which everyone now seems to have.

Every hereditary imbalance has one or more associated emotional imbalances
linked to it. When you truly heal using AIM, you heal on all levels as they
are all connected, despite our tendency to not perceive their connection.
Imbalance - an energetic frequency that negatively impacts you and/or your
Life Force, and is not in harmony with your well-being. EMC² believes energetic imbalances are the precursors for eventual negative physical manifestations.
Please see the article States of Imbalance, by Evan Slawson, for more
information on terms used to describe how imbalances are acquired and their
different "energy levels".

EMC² may refer to "the frequency of autism" or of cancer, heart disease,
etc. This does not mean there is only one such imbalance - there are many
imbalances directly associated with autism, many types of malignancy
frequencies that Stephen has identified (way more than there are types of
cancer known in Western medicine) and many, many imbalances that impact
the energetic orb of the heart. See also "Layers".
Karmic imbalances - As per the States of Imbalance article, these are
unresolved negative emotions carried over from before this lifetime.
Because they precede all other energetic imbalances, they can have very
far-ranging effects. Those effects even include determining which hereditary imbalances you have and subsequently which imbalances you will acquire in
this lifetime. We also refer to karmic imbalances as an energy level.
Known/unknown imbalance- an imbalance that has previously been
identified, such that balancing energies for it are on the AIM trays to help
anyone who may need to self-heal it: Versus "unknown", which means not
previously or not yet identified; hence for which there are not yet specific
balancing energies on AIM.
Layers - a term used to describe how imbalances settle in a person's
inherent area(s) of weakness as they are passed on from generation, to
generation if they are not healed. Also when acquired imbalances are not
healed and seek those same weak areas, as a "safe haven" in you, in order
to survive.
Life Force - your healing capacity, the personal energy you use to create
your life. This is uniquely measured by EMC² in units of consciousness, on a
scale of 0 to 100: It is not a measure of wellness, nor is it equivalent to any
medical test or an indication of physical health. You may feel perfectly
healthy and have a low Life Force, due to numerous hereditary imbalances
that have reached an active status. When Sanctuary was written in 1998
(all but the Epilogues), everyone had an initial Life Force (before going on
AIM) in the mid 90's. Due to immune deficiency imbalances acquired, and
all hereditary imbalances reaching an active status soon thereafter, life
forces began to drop. In 2000-2001, they dropped to single digits for adults,
and continued to decline to an average of .00002 for most adults in the urban
US and other developed countries as of 2012. Pets coming on AIM are still
in the mid 90's; children are not usually as low as adults, but their Life Forces
have also declined dramatically.

An interesting fact is that if the parents have been on AIM long enough when
the child is conceived and/or the mother has been on AIM long enough and
for the entire time she is pregnant, when the baby is born, it will often have
a Life Force of 100.

The hope is that a Life Force of 100 will one day mean no remaining hereditary imbalances; however, previously unknown hereditary imbalances continue to
be discovered, although the bulk of them are not at all common. EMC² believes,
that as of spring 2012, many AIM participants may well have detoxed all
their hereditary imbalances, and can now focus on managing their Life Force
and raising consciousness, versus "detoxing".

In performing special rechecks, Stephen may utilize Life Force scales that
exceed 100, but this is still the scale used for regular annual participant
Life Force checks.
Long enough - a term used to describe the point at which a participant
has removed all known imbalances on AIM and may appear to have no
remaining hereditary imbalances. This may be well in to their second year
on AIM, depending on how many imbalances are revealed after they begin
participating in the AIM Program.
Orb - the portion of the energetic matrix that manifests as a specific body
part, such as the orb of the kidney or the orb of the brain.
Prion - a category of hereditary imbalances that refers to an incomplete
protein. Stephen has identified over 3000 prion frequencies, about 10%
of which are hereditary imbalances. There are only a few identified in
Western medicine (mad cow's disease for one). As written in Sanctuary,
it was the identification of this type of imbalance that allowed people on
AIM to finally achieve Life Forces of 100.
Resistance - the often unconscious unwillingness to face that which you've
chosen to hide; perceiving temporary discomfort of healing imbalances as
a worsening, versus part of the healing process. The art of allowing positive
vibrations to flow through you, is of immense assistance as you undertake
the extensive healing that the AIM Program makes possible for you.
Participants are advised to remember that AIM is not doing anything to you,
other than helping you heal the imbalances you created on some level. The
entire experience of healing and the rate and extent of all healing is up to
the individual.
Ricketsial - a common category of energetic imbalances that means the
imbalance came from a bug bite. If Stephen refers to a hereditary ricketsial imbalance, this means that a parent or someone in the family history was
bitten by an insect, and acquired an imbalance (more likely a number of them)
that was not healed, but was passed on. Of course there are many ricketsial
imbalances that are acquired if we are bitten by something. While AIM has
thousands of balancing energies to assist participants in healing acquired
imbalances, not just hereditary imbalances, you may recall that Max, in
Sanctuary, was not fond of bugs of any kind and highly recommended
a good pest control company.
Self-responsibility - knowing that you create everything in your world,
whether you classify something as positive or negative – this includes
your imbalances. This is why you are the only one who can heal you.
AIM is just a tool you utilize to do the work. EMC²'s job is to make all
available balancing energies available to you, 24/7. Then you, the participant,
takes over. The experience of healing, the rate and extent of all healing, is
up to the individual, not AIM. This is one of the Tenets of EMC². There is
also a 2010 AIM Essentials call on these tenets.
Special recheck - If deemed necessary by EMC², a special recheck is
performed for the sole purpose of trying to discover if there is a hidden
hereditary, or chronic imbalance, in a participant's consciousness. This
may be something they are still attempting to heal, but for which there
are additional balancing energies that can be identified, to help speed
and complete their healing, by adding them to the AIM trays, i.e., to
identify something unknown. Special rechecks cannot be performed until
a participant has been on AIM long enough to have self-healed all "known"
imbalances (imbalances for which there are already balancing frequencies
on AIM). That may be into the second year on AIM, as long as previously
unknown hereditary imbalance are still being revealed and added to AIM.
Your Facilitator can advise you on all aspects of a special recheck, including
the concise information you will need to provide to them if deemed appropriate.
They will also explain to you that these rechecks will not diagnose anything,
and will neither confirm nor dispute any medical test or diagnosis. Your
Facilitator can direct you to the AIM Essentials calls on Special Rechecks to
aid in your understanding of them.

Once submitted, the recheck request is in what we call a "queue", and it will
be performed, although we cannot tell you exactly when: That is dependent
on many variables, including the number of, and prevalence of, any newly
revealed imbalances added to AIM. If Roberta starts a special recheck and
finds that the person is currently dealing with known imbalances, the recheck
will be set aside until such time as he deems appropriate.

If you return to AIM after being off for more than 6 months, you may need to
be back on AIM for 8 months before requesting a special recheck, depending on
the rate at which new frequencies are being revealed to EMC² at the time.
Syndrome - a term used to indicate that a given issue is impacted by multiple energetic imbalances, not just one.
Systemic parasite imbalances - these are acquired imbalances that are
different from simple candida. AIM does not yet have any balancing energies
to assist participants in self-healing these imbalances. People do seem able to
heal malaria and giardia. See Is there anything AIM cannot help people heal?
In section III of the Q & A.
The "Trays" - the output portion of the AIM Program, where over 500,000
balancing energies are transmitted via large computer banks to participants
photos. There are 8 "sets" of these large metal trays onto which your digitized
photograph (one of many on large sheets of special paper) is placed: This
provides your higher consciousness non-stop access to any and all balancing
energies you require, as you are ready for them. View the 2.5 minute
Virtual Tray Tour video.
Tonify - to strengthen; to continue to heal the effects of all the hereditary
imbalances you have removed from your consciousness - this affects the
mind, emotions, body and spirit/soul: When you are no longer focusing
on removing imbalances, your capacity to tonify is greatly enhanced, as
you can more fully utilize the enhancing and anti-aging frequencies
available to you on AIM. You may also choose to increase perception
of your connection to everyone and everything, by choosing to raise your consciousness.
Toxicity - a term used to indicate that the frequency of heavy metals or
chemicals present is at a toxic level, which may trigger the presence of
energetic uncertainty in the participant. This does not mean the participant
cannot heal the frequency – it is a disclosure stating that AIM does not have
balancing energies which assist in the healing of the frequencies of heavy
metal or chemical toxicity.

Your Facilitator can guide you to various audios and other resources
available on their web site, to aid in expanding your understanding of these
terms and concepts. In turn this will deepen your understanding of your role
in everything, and your appreciation for the comprehensiveness of AIM. There
is also an index in the back of Sanctuary that is helpful. In fact, many
participants report that using this index and even reading the book a second
time or more is invaluable.

You will find the same to be true of the article by Evan Slawson, States of
and Tenets of EMC².

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